Vincent Heuveline
Head of Engineering Mathematics and Computing Lab

Prof. Vincent Heuveline
Vincent Heuveline is Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Heidelberg University and Director of the Computing Center of Heidelberg University. Besides that, he is full professor at Heidelberg University where he leads the Engineering Mathematics and Computing Lab (EMCL) under the roof of the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR). Furthermore, he is the Group Leader of the research group “Data Mining and Uncertainty Quantification” at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS gGmbH).
His research interests include uncertainty quantification (UQ) in scientific computing, high performance and data intensive computing, and software engineering, with main application focuses in medical engineering and energy research. Besides lectures in scientific computing, he is strongly involved in teaching IT security. He serves as a program committee member of several international conferences on high performance computing. He is widely consulted by the industry with respect to the deployment of numerical simulation, cloud computing and IT security in industrial environments.

Ballhausen A, Przybilla MJ, Jendrusch M, Haupt S, Pfaffendorf E, Seidler F, Witt J, Hernandez Sanchez A, Urban K, Draxlbauer M, Krausert S, Ahadova A, Kalteis MS, Pfuderer PL, Heid D, Stichel D, Gebert J, Bonsack M, Schott S, Bläker H, Seppälä T, Mecklin JP, Ten Broeke S, Nielsen M, Heuveline V, Krzykalla J, Benner A, Riemer AB, von Knebel Doeberitz M, Kloor M. The shared frameshift mutation landscape of microsatellite-unstable cancers suggests immunoediting during tumor evolution. Nat Commun in press [Preprint:]
Bläker H, Haupt S, Morak M, Holinski-Feder E, Arnold A, Horst D, Sieber-Frank J, Seidler F, von Winterfeld M, Alwers E, Chang-Claude J, Brenner H, Roth W, Engel C, Löffler M, Möslein G, Schackert H-K, Weitz J, Perne C, Aretz S, Hüneburg R, Schmiegel W, Vangala D, Rahner N, Steinke-Lange V, Heuveline V, von Knebel Doeberitz M, Ahadova A, Hoffmeister M, Kloor M and the German Consortium for Familial Intestinal Cancer. Age-dependent performance of BRAF mutation testing in Lynch syndrome diagnostics. Int J Cancer 2020 in press [Preprint:]
Ahadova A, Seppälä TT, Engel C, Gallon R, Burn J, Holinski-Feder E, Steinke-Lange V, Möslein G, Nielsen M, Ten Broeke SW, Laghi L, Dominguez-Valentin M, Capella G, Macrae F, Scott R, Hüneburg R, Nattermann J, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H, Bläker H, von Knebel Doeberitz M, Sampson JR, Vasen H, Mecklin JP, Møller P, Kloor M. The “unnatural” history of colorectal cancer in Lynch syndrome: Lessons from colonoscopy surveillance. Int J Cancer. 2020 Jul 19. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33224. [Epub ahead of print]
Kloor M, Reuschenbach M, Pauligk C, Karbach J, Rafiyan MR, Al-Batran SE, Tariverdian M, Jäger E, von Knebel Doeberitz M. A Frameshift Peptide Neoantigen-Based Vaccine for Mismatch Repair-Deficient Cancers: A Phase I/IIa Clinical Trial. Clin Cancer Res. 2020 Jun 15. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-19-3517. [Epub ahead of print]
Engel C, Ahadova A, Seppälä T, Aretz S, Bigirwamungu-Bargeman M, Bläker H, Bucksch K, Büttner R, de Vos Tot Nederveen Cappel W, Endris V, Holinski-Feder E, Holzapfel S, Hüneburg R, Jacobs MAJM, Koornstra JJ, Langers AM, Lepistö A, Morak M, Möslein G, Peltomäki P, Pylvänäinen K, Rahner N, Renkonen-Sinisalo L, Schulmann K, Steinke-Lange V, Stenzinger A, Strassburg CP, van de Meeberg PC, van Kouwen M, van Leerdam M, Vangala DB, Vecht J, Verhulst ML, von Knebel Doeberitz M, Weitz J, Zachariae S, Loeffler M, Mecklin JP*, Kloor M*, Vasen HF*; German HNPCC Consortium, the Dutch Lynch Syndrome Collaborative Group, and the Finnish Lynch Syndrome Registry. Associations of Pathogenic Variants in MLH1, MSH2, and MSH6 With Risk of Colorectal Adenomas and Tumors and With Somatic Mutations in Patients With Lynch Syndrome. Gastroenterology. 2020 Apr;158(5):1326-1333.